Angesichts aktueller politischer Entwicklungen, zunehmender Diskussionen über Migration und rechter Agenden in ganz Europa organisieren wir uns und senden bewusst sichtbar offene Zeichen – Zeichen, die dem Gefühl der Ohnmacht mit Handlung begegnen, die zum gemeinsamen Aktivwerden ermutigen und eine klare Position gegen populistische Hetze, die Vereinfachung komplexer Krisen und Ausgrenzung beziehen.
Für die Spendenaktion „all the best, xoxo“ haben sich Künstlerinnen, Freundinnen, Verwandte und Bekannte europaweit zusammengeschlossen und eine Serie von Postkarten gezeichnet.
Jede dieser originalen Zeichnungen kann für 15€ erworben werden und wird direkt an die Spender*innen verschickt. Wer mehr spenden möchte, ist herzlich eingeladen, den Beitrag individuell anzupassen. Sämtliche gesammelte Einnahmen werden der zivilen Seenotrettung Sea-Watch e.V. gespendet.
Auf ihrem Weg durch Briefzentren, über Fließbänder und auf Straßen in Postwägen verschicken wir sichtbar Zeichnungen für Offenheit, Menschenwürde, und Demokratie.
01 "Heaven" by Jakob Sycha, collage with fineliner and different papers !SOLD!
02 "angry chicken for the kitchen wall" by Konstantin Hühnlein, crayons on grey cardboard !SOLD!
03 "sad goose for the bathroom" by Konstantin Hühnlein, crayons on grey cardboard !SOLD!
04 "Chamäleons" by Lea Abendstein, marker on cardboard buy this postcard
05 by Greta Heimbach, markers and fineliner on recycled paper buy this postcard
06 by Greta Heimbach, markers and fineliner on recycled paper buy this postcard
07 by Justine Hartwig buy this postcard
08 "Aufstand" by Tim Bormann !SOLD!
09 "Holding (1): a speech" by Paulina Sycha, Crayon and marker on grey cardboard !SOLD!
10 "Holding (2): a stick" by Paulina Sycha, Crayon and marker on grey cardboard !SOLD!
11 "Holding (3): each other" by Paulina Sycha, marker !SOLD!
12 "Holding (4): Heads up" by Paulina Sycha, !SOLD!
13 "A populist conservative enters the playground" by Ingmar König, (Aquarel) Pencils, Rollerball Pen, Populist Conservative Series #1 !SOLD!
14 "A populist conservative enters the building" by Ingmar König, (Aquarel) Pencils, Rollerball Pen, Populist Conservative Series #2 buy this postcard
15 "A populist conservative enters the public domain" by Ingmar König, (Aquarel) Pencils, Rollerball Pen, Populist Conservative Series #3 !SOLD!
16 "A populist conservative enters the physical realm" by Ingmar König, (Aquarel) Pencils, Rollerball Pen, Populist Conservative Series #4 buy this postcard
17 "demo" by Agnes Tatzber, paper, highlighter, acrylic marker, Color Giant 9405 !SOLD!
18 Ink Drawing on Postcard by Lukas Peschmann, 18,5 x 13cm buy this postcard
19 "same same but different" by Philippa Lorenzen, colored pencil and fineliner !SOLD!
20 "same but different" by Philippa Lorenzen, colored pencil and fineliner !SOLD!
21 "Ente Dackel Hammerhai" by Philippa Lorenzen, colored pencil and fineliner !SOLD!
22 "Faire des vagues" (1) by Tilla Giro, ink drawings !SOLD!
23 "Faire des vagues" (2) by Tilla Giro, ink drawings buy this postcard
24 "Faire des vagues" (3) by Tilla Giro, ink drawings buy this postcard
25 "Faire des vagues" (4) by Tilla Giro, ink drawings buy this postcard
26 "Faire des vagues" (5) by Tilla Giro, ink drawings !SOLD!
27 "Faire des vagues" (6) by Tilla Giro, ink drawings !SOLD!
28 by Juliana Müller & Lisa Zabel buy this postcard
29 "Stick together" by Lotte Waldmann buy this postcard
30 "Radicat #1" by Miriam Schoeb, markers and spraypaint !SOLD!
31 "zero tolerance" by Matthias Hühnlein buy this postcard
32 "Schalte Rassismus aus, lass Menschlichkeit leuchten" by Julia Heuchert !SOLD!
33 "Gelenkte Gedanken – wie rechte Ideologien die Strippe ziehen" by Julia Heuchert !SOLD!
34 "Die Dunkelheit darf niemals siegen" by Nora Gruica !SOLD!
35 "Radicat #2" by Miriam Schoeb, markers and spraypaint !SOLD!
36 "Radicat #3" by Miriam Schoeb, Marker and pencils buy this postcard
37 "Radicat #4" by Miriam Schoeb, Marker and pencils buy this postcard
38 "Wachsam bleiben" by Zoé Schwarz, aquarelle and pencil
buy this postcard39 "Standing Sparkly Moonlight Bunny will crash fascism" by Zoé Schwarz, aquarelle and pencil buy this postcard
40 "Sitting Sparkly Moonlight Bunny will crash fascism" by Zoé Schwarz, aquarelle and pencil !SOLD!
41 "what are we gonna do with our thoughts?" by Emma Prato, colored pencils, 15x10,5 cm buy this postcard
42 "I am tired (self destructive)" by Thomas Schilperoort, paper, Acrylic marker, Pritt stick buy this postcard
43 "Trust me" by Thomas Schilperoort, paper, Acrylic marker buy this postcard
44 "Plucking (self destructive)" by Thomas Schilperoort, paper, Acrylic marker, Pritt stick buy this postcard